Lots To Do And
Not Enough Hours In The Day?
We Can Help!

Marketing, Sales, Product & Pricing Support Services

  Do you have formal marketing, sales, product & pricing strategies?

Do you communicate effectively with your customers?

Is your sales team and staff organized and accountable?

Are your marketing efforts proactively planned?

Do you actively promote your full offering of products and services?

Are you looking for some quality support on those important projects that you and your team do not have time to get to?

Are you looking for a cost effective, unbiased, experienced resource that can act as an extension of your team to support your marketing, sales, product & pricing efforts?

Would you like to enhance the connection between you, your customers, your staff and your suppliers by creating a stronger link between your marketing, sales, product and pricing strategies?

Outsourced Inc. Can Help!

Support ranges from overall analysis, strategy development through to execution


Communication & Ad Design – Electronic and Print

Creation of Promotions & Specials

General Awareness Campaigns

Clearance Item Awareness

Print & Promotional Materials

Formal Company Presentation Materials


Website Design/Content Management

Ecommerce Implementation

Market Research/Analysis 

Customer Loyalty Programs  

Customer Support Programs

Customer Segmentation Strategy

Prospecting/Recruitment Strategy

Delivery Vehicle Wraps

Customer Surveys

Mystery Shoppers

Incentive/Spiff Programs

Brand Development

Community Sponsorships

Event Management


Sales Team Organization & Planning

CRM/Reporting Implementation 

Goal & Budget Development

Training Plans

Sales Plans

Customer Benchmarking

Customer Gap Analysis

Formal Customer Business Reviews

Upselling, Bridging and Cross Selling 

Prospecting/Customer Recruitment

Sales Management Dashboarding

Product & Pricing

Existing Product Line Analysis & Performance Reviews

New Product Launch Strategies

Product Gap Analysis

Product Classifications & Coding

Inventory Gap Analysis

Clearance Item Clean-ups

Pricing Matrix Strategies

Competitive Analysis

Line Card Management

Premium vs. Economy Conversions

Product Management Dashboarding

The sky is the limit…if we can dream it, we can build it!

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take the first step and contact us and together, we can reach your company's goals.

Outsourced Inc.

(416) 998-9293